AUCKLAND TANGO - Dancing Argentinian Tango
This website is for Auckland tango dancers, visiting dancers and potential beginners to get useful, up-to-date information about Auckland tango events, teachers, classes, private lessons, festivals, shoes and other tango-related products and services.
Nearly every week there are regular tango classes on offer for beginner and intermediate dancers and at least two milongas and two practicas. Everyone is most welcome to attend.
Content for this website is provided by members of the Auckland tango community. Its publication should not necessarily be seen as an endorsement.
Social Tango - A Short Film
This seven minute video demonstrates quality social tango dancing and provides insights into what social tango involves, why the dancers began dancing tango, and what the dancers like in particular about social tango dancing. It can be watched by clicking the image link.
SOTANGO is a collective of dancers and multimedia artists whose mission is to create original content that shows what we love about social tango.
Our aim is to build and strengthen the social tango community around the world. We support its development as a social practice by highlighting the benefits and healing qualities that the dance has to offer to people of all ages and abilities.
We believe that by documenting and sharing the impact of social tango on people’s everyday lives in organic and creative ways, we can support and encourage new and experienced dancers alike in this rich and rewarding journey through movement, music and authentic human connection.
Social tango dos and don'ts
Tango : Cartoon video from the website.
Tango: The dance that changes everything
A short documentary on social tango by UK milonguero and film maker Ben Lovejoy. “This short documentary has been a long time in the planning, and a fair time in the making! If you don’t dance #tango, and are... Read More
Useful reminder about Tango codigos
Thanks Matthew Civil and JoJo from Wellington for posting the video clip. Read More
Why we believe that dancing with better dancers makes us dance better
There exists a belief in tango community that sounds something like this: “If I get to dance with better dancers, my dancing will improve much faster than if I only dance with people of my own level.” Or like... Read More