Tango Codigos / Etiquette

Hopefully this article (at www.tango-dj.at/dancing/codigos) will be useful to new tango dancers who are not already aware of the codigos / etiquette that is respected and expected at milongas, so that everyone is able to practice safe and enjoyable dancing.

Hopefully this article will also be reviewed by experienced dancers who may be in need of a refresher.


“Improve floor craft on tango dance floors”

A video by Murat and Michelle Erdemsel

Murat Erdemsel explains how to communicate with other leaders and create a beautiful harmony on the floor.

Watch the leaders coming onto the dance floor cabaceo-ing the downstream leader to ask for space to step onto the floor.

Ideas for practicing tango dancing in tight spaces

Floor etiquette is not restricted to leaders only

Followers are responsible too!

1. If the leader is navigating poorly (weaving in and out of lanes, big moves in a crowded floor etc) on the dance floor, you can (edit* SHOULD) tell him that you would like to stay within the lane and prevent crashing with couples.

2. If the leader joins the floor without acknowledging the incoming leader, don’t get into the embrace. Pull the leader back and tell the him to make sure acknowledgement is made before joining the floor.

3. Some teachers may disagree but if the leader tries to lead boleos and ganchos in a crowded floor… well let’s just say the leg does not have to go up in the air.

4. If a leader walks up and asks for a dance, always remember that you have every right to say no, and no reasons required. Don’t be pressured into saying yes because you are afraid to embarass him.

Remember, this is your Milonga as well.

Facebook post by Chen Wei Li‎ Tango Singapore

tango etiquette -Boleo graphic from tangodelalma.net/etiquettetango etiquette -Boleo graphic from tangodelalma.net/etiquette