Happy Tango - DJ Kelly Happy Tango - DJ Kelly 7:30 pm – 10:30 pmMar 14, Friday Please come and enjoy dancing tango together. Sandwiches and other snacks are included in the entry fee. Happy Tango Milonga organised by Michiko Pasión Por Tango4 Poynton TerraceAuckland, Auckland 1010New ZealandView LocationMap Pasión Por Tango $15:00 iCal Google Calendar View full calendar
Happy Tango - DJ Kelly 7:30 pm – 10:30 pmMar 14, Friday Please come and enjoy dancing tango together. Sandwiches and other snacks are included in the entry fee. Happy Tango Milonga organised by Michiko Pasión Por Tango4 Poynton TerraceAuckland, Auckland 1010New ZealandView LocationMap Pasión Por Tango $15:00 iCal Google Calendar View full calendar