The content below and in the drop-down pages, covers Auckland tango events from about 2006 till 2013. It has been migrated from the Tango Club Auckland website, which was the forerunner of the Auckland Tango website.
TangoClub is a non-profit group made up of Argentine tango enthusiasts in Auckland. We love the music, we love the dance, and we want to share that joy with others. Connect with the rest of the Auckland tango community through on our Facebook group, and hope to see you on the dance floor!
The TangoClub team
photo credit: Christian Choi
Auckland Tango—What’s New? (04-01-2016)
Great news: not only have others in the community stepped up to make sure we continue to have great tango events in Auckland, but it is now even easier to keep track of what is on by checking on the Auckland Tango website. Whether you are after social dancing or a class to get you going, we hope this will help you get to more tango!
Website No Longer Maintained (01-04-2013)
TangoClub is taking a break, and this website is no longer being maintained. To find out the latest events, please keep your eye on the tangoauckland mailing list and announcements on our Facebook group.