Hello everyone,
We have confirmed dates for the Oceania Tango Congress & Championship next year! The event date is as follows Thursday, 19th to Sunday, 22nd March 2020 in Auckland. Please log this in your diary.
The championship is an Open competition for the Oceania region, and is run in conjunction with the Buenos Aires City Office of Festivals & Events.
The Official categories are Salon/ Pista & Stage. Winners to go forward to the World Tango Championship in Buenos Aires, August 2020!
If you have an interest in upskilling your tango to a competitive level, suggest you start looking for someone to partner up with. If you’re having difficulties let me know and we’ll try to match you up with someone with a similar interest.
Learn, improve and become the best tango dancer & competitor by going to all tango events you can find!
The NZ Tango Festival is coming up next month – we are giving away 2x Full Milonga Passes for a draw at the festival so be there to have a chance to win it!
Our website oceaniatango.com will be ready by in early August. This will detail the requirements and competitors’ registration.
Cecile Bale
trevor croll
hi looking forward to tango dates in auckland in march