Hello everyone
Following on from our advice of the 26th January 2020 regarding postponement of the Oceania Tango Congress & Championship (OTCC) scheduled for March 2020, I now regret to advise that the 2020 event has been cancelled.
On a positive note, though, we now have confirmation from the head office of World Tango Championship in BA that next year’s Oceania Tango Congress & Championship will be held in Auckland from 18th – 21st March 2021.
This confirmation comes as great news as everyone will have plenty of time to think about joining the championship in any category and to practice, practice, practice…. attend milongas and workshops.
Meantime, we apologise for any inconvenience caused; it has been a time of great frustration!
Thanks for bearing with us. We will keep you posted.
We’ll keep you posted.
Cecilia Bale
Oceania Tango Congress & Championship
Event Director
14 February 2020