Peter Williamson

Peter Williamson from Wellington will be the DJ for the Saturday evening “Masquerade Tango – a night of disguise” milonga. Peter has been DJ-ing regularly since 2002, including for milongas at many of the New Zealand Tango Festivals.

Maida Zanaboni Doleman

Maida will be the DJ for the 2019 Friday Welcome Milonga and will be running one of the 2019 workshops. Maida is from New York City via Milano Italy, whose parents were Armenian. She started her tango journey in 1994 … Read More

Peter Jackson

Peter will be the DJ for the 2019 Saturday Lunch-break Practilonga. Peter has been dancing tango and DJ-ing for 15 years or so, and is a former New Zealand Tango Champion (with Ekin Sakin). He seeks elegance and musical expression … Read More

Robert Ramsey-Turner

Robert Ramsey-Turner has been dancing tango for 200 years and DJ-ing for most of them. He has spent many years living in Buenos Aires and is a stickler for pronouncing words like “bandoneon” and “Troilo”. Robert had the good fortune … Read More