FREE Christmas Tango Class with Carlos y Kelly

 ~ When these two styles meet, what will happen? You’ll have to come and find out! ~

Carlos, a charismatic and fun tango teacher/dancer; Kelly, a strict tango teacher/dancer with a dry sense of humour. These two are going to teach together for the first time which means the class could potentially go one way or the other

either a DISASTER or a LAUGH!!

Just perfect for the festive season and we’d love to have you join us whichever it’d be!


TOPIC – How to dance Tango, Milonga and Vals using the same sequence in a small space?

(*Topic subjects to change depending on the mood on the day!)

WHEN: December 16, 2017 @ 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

WHERE: Auckland Art Gallery Amphitheatre
1 Kitchener St
Auckland, 1010
New Zealand

COST: Free

Kelly 021679762

~ How to find the Auckland Art Gallery Amphitheatre? ~

Facing the main entrance of the Art Gallery from the outside: Walk up the stairs on your left, then continuing onto the second set of stairs on your right towards Albert Park (the Art Gallery’s coffee shop is also on your right). You will come to an open area under a beautiful roof where you can view inside of the Art Gallery, that is the Amphitheatre.

~ Where to Park? ~